Saturday, July 25, 2009

Almost there....

more or less, with only a day in which to finish up. The stays still need to have hand-stitching over the eyelets, but if I had to, I could use them as little secret. If I had them to do again (and I think I will) I'd cut the gores for the next smaller cup size, just to get better lift. They seem a bit loose around the top.

The green dress is finished except for hand hemming, which I expect to finish during evenings in a hotel room, over the next few days. The fabric is a bit heavy for the style, but I think it's ok. I'll have pictures later this week.

I'm working on the white-on-white striped dress. It's not exactly going to be what I had really wanted, but time just got in the way. It will be good though. The sleeve is the long sleeve, cut to a short sleeve length. I just did not want the puffy short sleeve that came with the pattern. I wanted the smoothly fitted sleeve seen in some of the art of 1795-99. I compromised with the slight puffing at the cap of a sleeve that fits somewhat smoothly the rest of the way down.

This whole process has certainly been about compromises, settling for stash items instead of buying new, settling for techniques that were not my first choice. I have NOT serged anything! I'm going to do French seams on the white-on-white, and on the baby blue underlayer. Yes, the white-on-white is over the top of a baby blue batiste. I'm doing two full-length layers, not the tunic length over long skirt seen in some paintings. I like the look, especially with the sleeves in the sheer white only.

It's too late for pictures tonight, but I'll add some over the next few days.

I had thought that it would be fun to photograph the process of building these gowns in some detail, but maybe on future projects. Too much of the time on these gowns, I was making it up as I went along, winging it, compromising between the Sense & Sensibility instructions and the Simplicity versions of the S&S patterns. It was too much to be thinking about taking pictures too.

Well, if I'm going to get these done tomorrow...I need SLEEP!

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