Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Well, it never rains but it pours, or so the saying goes. No posts from me for two months, yet now two in one day.

I was digging around on line, mainly in the pages of my own web site, a space that was begun several years ago and then mostly forgotten. A lot of what is there has also been added to this blog, but not all.

Here's a link to a page from a history class project where I was the student. I've still got the featured garment and enjoy looking at this project, contemplating using it as the basis for a reproduction of the blouse.


And a link to the pattern diagrams:


There are also some pages of other projects that came out of my studio, and other odds and ends, nothing very exciting. I just thought that maybe someone would enjoy the historic garment analysis.

I suppose one of these days I'll have to re-build my web-site elsewhere, and in fact have a hosting service already arranged. Just need the time to make the change.

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